Monday, March 16, 2009

Is he Mr. Right?

When we fall in love, we ignore the obvious flaws in the person of our beloved. We labelit as trivial or no big deal.We magnify the good we see in that person. But, if the person is really Mr. Right for you, he should fit the description below.

Keep him if.....

He loves his mother and his sisters very much. - You can always tell a good man by the way he treats his mother and sisters. If he repects them, then he respects women. He has been raised to value women and to treat them right.

He takes care of you when you are sick. - The goodness of your man's heart comes out when you need some tender, loving care.And there is no greater time for that than when you get sick. You will feel better when he is near.

He gets a little jealous of your guy friends. - You have known your guy friends forever. They coulf e your old high school buddies, the guys from your dorm, friends from work or childhood buddies from the neighbourhood. You never dated any of them no matter how good looking they are. If he gets a little insecure at times, it is good, but smothering jealousy is not.

He is good in an emergency. - He is a hero type. He is the guy who has the quick reaction time, who will dive into the pool fully clothed to save a drowning child. And in your own emergencies, he is the one you want right there to make it all better and who would act calmly and help.

He send you flowers and no occasion at that. - He is sweet. He loves to surprise you with notes, flowers, small things even when there is no occasion.

He gives you hugs out of nowhere. - You are doing the dishes, just minding your own business, and you get a hug from behind. He walks into the room, one of the first things he does is put his arms around yoy or just hold your hand.

He tells you that you look good with or without make up and he is sincere. - With him you don't have to be a work of art or some cool girl. You can just be you and even if you don't have the time to apply your "face", you don't have to hide from him.

He tells you his dreams. - Think about it. A guy who tells you exactly what he dreamed aout last night is actually opening up the door and letting you into his own mind. From what he tells you, you know he does not hide anything.. He has no secrets from you.

He reads. You have to love a guy who reads whether it is a good novel, a magazine or even the candy wrapper. A guy who wants to expand his mind is not going to turn into a duh.

He makes you believe in true love. - He is proof that True Love exists, for those who has patience enough to wait for it.

Drop Him if....

Your mom hates him. - You'll know if your mom does not like your guy, She will roll her eyes a lot, rause her eyebrow, start mentioning how much she liked that nice boy who took you out previousle. If she really hates him, she will have a special name for him, not a good one though.

He reminds you of your ex. - MAybe they wear the same kind of clothes, have the same mannerisms, have the same favourite cologne or even talk the same.

He is racist. A man with mean talk is a man with a mean heart. Get irs of him and make your world peaceful early.

Your pets hate him. If your cute little pets turns into a mean snarling one whenever he comes near or around, face it, the pet knows he is not good for you.

He has no sense of humor. He is so quiet and so straight.He does not kno how to laugh even at your jokes. Dump him now or else suffer a boring life with a humourless person.
He is afraid pf commitments. He changes the subject when you talk about family or marriage. You have been together for long and still no talk of commitment. If you cannot work out issues regarding commitment, then break off.

He does not give you notice for dates. - He just shows up and expects you to drop everything to go out with him. It does not evem occur to him that you might have other plans or that you will appreciate a little notice. Dump him because he is free time (when he has no other dates perhaps).

He is so bossy. Take note, you are not his assistant. He should treat you like his girlfriend, not his girl Friday.

He is critical. He critizes your apprearance. Does not appreciate your friends nor your family. He looks down on your intelligence, your talents and your personality. Leave him, otherwise you will turn into somebody you are not and will be a nervous wreck.

You know you deserve better. You may be wanting somebody different, more romatic, more dependable. More appreciative and having more time to be with you, If you think you can wait and will meet somebody better who coukd turn ou into a better person yourself, then dump your boyfriend. Spread your wings and go looking for Mr. Right.

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